First Book Check

Today I got my first “real” check for a book I worked on. I say “real” because this is the first time I’ve been paid directly by a publisher for a book I submitted to said publisher, although I have been paid as an editor by private clients who later went on to publish their books, and for serving as an editor for self-publishers.
Just as good as the check was the encouraging, personal letter from the publisher — a welcome change from the form rejections we writers come to know so well! I’ve been surprised at the level of warmth displayed by ACTA Publications and can say that they honestly are living and working a mission very in line with the enlightened Christian books they publish. Just a small sampling of this tone:
I want to say that I am very proud of both of you. This is a unique book in American Catholicism, where young adult Catholics have been asked to write about their experiences with no fear of being judged or censored. The contributors have responded magnificently [I absolutely agree], and I hope that many people will read this book and be inspired–both young adults and the people who love them.
I was so excited to have received the check that I mused for a bit about being reluctant to cash it. That lasted for just a few minutes — until I decided that, rather than keep the check untainted, I’d rather put it toward furthering my success as a writer. So I’m putting it into a fund that will help pay for renovating my husband’s and my shared office. The first order of business will be an egress window because I don’t like working in dim spaces. The photo on the left reveals why this is necessary: